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Customized Insurance Products Will Become the Mainstream
The age of IoT is the experience era of personalized customization based on situational awareness. Under the digitalization, the insurance industry transforms by decomposing and refining original insurance products, and is more accurate in forecast and estimation. InsurTech makes it more efficiently to screen and analyze market demand, accurately judge user needs, and immediately launch insurance products and services.

The insurance industry applies positioning, monitoring and other technologies of Internet of Vehicles, making comprehensive evaluation and setting up pricing model according to driving habits by collecting driving condition data, then provides specialized insurance products and services. In the field of health insurance, wearable devices are used to collect mass data and monitor the health condition of user to realize health management. The devices deeply mine customer needs and could provide personalized and customized health insurance product.

IoT is with unlimited possibility in the innovation of insurance industry. We have invite Mr. John Spence, John Spence, Regional Head of M&A and Strategy from Generali Asia to make a keynote speech, speaking around the theme of "IoT and Customization of Insurance Products" (To be Determined), sharing their exploration in InsurTech, especially in IoT, with us on the 2nd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2018 (Sep. 12-14 | Shanghai).
物联网在保险业还有无限创新的可能。为此我们特意邀请忠利保险亚太区并购及战略发展负责人John Spence先生围绕“物联网技术与保险产品定制化”(暂定)为主题作主题演讲,分享忠利集团在保险科技尤其是物联网方面的探索。更多内容,欢迎来到由泽为资讯集团(SZ&W Group)主办,复旦大学保险研究所做学术指导的2018年第二届中国保险科技创新国际峰会(9月12-14日 | 上海),与众多从业者共同探讨!
Click for More Information!

2nd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2018 (Sep. 12-14 | Shanghai)
2018年第二届中国保险科技创新国际峰会(9月12-14日 | 上海)
Confirmed Speaker 确认演讲嘉宾

John Spence
Regional Head, M&A and Strategy
Generali Asia


Event at a Glance 议程概览

Date 日期

Time 时间

Sessions 主题

Sep. 12

14:00-17:00 InsurTech Startups Demos

Sep. 13

9:00-10:30 Session 1: InsurTech Ecosystem & Development Trends
10:30-14:50 Session 2: Big Data-Transformation & Precision
14:50-16:40 Session 3: IoT Insurance & Mobile Internet Applications: Get Closer to Your Customer
主题三:物联网保险与移动互联技术: 缩短与客户的距离
16:40-18:50 Session4: Blockchain-Potentials and Use Cases in Insurance

Sep. 14

9:00-12:55 Session 5: AI-Smart Insurance
14:00-15:45 Session 6: Cloud Computing & Its Potentials for Insurance
15:45-17:00 Session 7: Biotechnology & Driverless Technology & Drone
17:00-17:25 Session 8: To Secure Cyber Risks

>>Consult to Check the Full Agenda! 下载最新大会议程!
>>Register Now! 立即报名!

IIC同期会议:2018中国零售银行创新国际峰会(RBI 2018 | Shanghai, Sep. 19-20)
China Retail Banking Innovation Summit 2018
>> Learn More about RBI

  Best Regards
   Shally Zhou | Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8095 | Mob(Wechat): +86 13524695150
   Email: shallyz@szwgroup.com
   IIC Series: http://www.szwgroup.com/iic/
Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2018 (Nov. 28-29 | Hong Kong) 2018亚太健康保险业创新国际峰会,11月28-29日,香港
3rd Auto Insurance Innovation Congress China 2018 (Dec. 13-14 | Shanghai)

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