Company Profile:


圆和医疗是Circle Health在中国的首家医疗机构,2017年由知名央企和世界五百强企业投资成立。圆和一直致力于融合不同机制下的优秀医疗资源,构建跨国境、跨区域的多学科联盟交流平台,促进临床学科建设、前沿技术、学术与应用的发展;开创性地建立“管理式医疗”数字化服务体系,并以“医疗+”的多产业协同将医疗健康服务“保险金融化”,圆和成功走出了融合临床研究与应用、数字医疗、保险金融、药品研发转化的创新商业发展模式。

About Circle Harmony Health

Circle Harmony, funded by famous Chinese state-owned enterprises and Fortune 500 companies in 2017, is the first medical institution established by Circle Health UK in China. Committed to integrating quality medical resources in different systems, Circle Harmony strives to build a Chinese and international medical network as well as to establish a cross-border and cross-regional multidisciplinary alliance in order to promote the development of different clinical disciplines, scientific research and application. Circle Harmony creatively building a digital Managed Care service system. With the new development idea of “Medical plus”, Circle Harmony successfully walked out of an innovative business development model that collaborates clinical research and application, digital medical care, insurance and finance, and drug research and development.