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In the field of marketing, the media is always a topic that cannot be avoided. 3rd China MarTech and Digital Innovation Summit 2019(March 19th -20th)will focus on digital transformation, strategic growth, marketing leadership, mobile marketing, omni-channel marketing, customer relationship management, social media and latest marketing technologies. An excellent platform will be provided to the brand owners and service providers for learning, communication and cooperation. It will discover the roadmap for the transformation and growth of enterprises in China.

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媒介与品牌传播作为峰会的重要议题之一,在营销技术领域扮演着重要角色。上周,Kantar发布了全球2019年媒介12大趋势报告(Media Predictions 2019),这次列出的媒介12大趋势横跨增强现实技术的应用、女性在广告中的形象变化到竖屏视频等多个领域。具体来说,这12大趋势是:
Media and brand communication as one of the important topics of the summit, playing an important role in the field of marketing technology。Kantar today released its perspective on the major trends that will shape the media landscape for brand owners, agencies and media platforms in 2019. The predictions report outlines 12 key trends that will transform the next year in media. Exploring advances from augmented reality, through gender portrayal to vertical video, the 12 predictions are:

♦  深度数据解析(Advanced Analytics)和人工智能将解开整合营销的投资回报率之迷
Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will resolve the integrated online/offline return on marketing investment dilemma.
♦  西方将在社交媒体和社交数据解析领域“快速学习”中国
Chinese leadership in social media and social media analytics will be ‘fast-followed’ by the west.
♦  社交KOL营销将从追求流量转为追求质量
Influencer marketing strategies will pivot to prioritise credibility ahead of reach.
♦  竖屏视频将成为视频广告的新潮流
Vertical video will lead the way in creativity.
♦  大屏幕将卷土重来,而且将更大更好
The big screen will make a comeback, bigger and better than before.
♦  品牌将开始严肃对待女性在广告中的形象
Brands will start to take the portrayal of women in advertising seriously.
♦  增强现实将开始改变消费者购买路径和消费者体验
Augmented Reality (AR) will start to shape both the consumer journey and customer experience.
♦  声音技术在营销上获得突破性应用
Voice technology will break through in creative planning and the marketing mix.
♦  亚马逊将在广告行业走上舞台中央
Amazon will emerge from the advertising world ‘shadows’ to make the duopoly an triopoly
♦  随着越来越多的品牌开始打造“品牌体验网络”,媒介管理将转变为“无所不在的互联网”管理
The emergence of the ‘branded experience network’ will transform media management in to internet of everything’ management.
♦  态度洞察与前瞻性模型相结合,让程序化购买变得更灵活和精准
Attitudinal insights combined with predictive modelling will make programmatic buying more agile and accurate.
♦  GDPR将让品牌的数据战略变得更成熟
GDPR compliance will drive more sophistication in brand data strategies.

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大会概览 Conference Overview
第一天 Day1 第二天 Day2
Session 1: Marketing Cases and Methods
主题3: 数字技术与客户体验
Session 3: Digital Technology and Client Experience
Session 2: Digital Marketing and Sales Growth
Session 4: Media and Brand Communication

亮点话题 Highlights
♦  创新展示环节:营销方案与案例分享
    Innovative Show: Marketing Solutions and
    Cases Sharing
♦  圆桌讨论:如何利用营销技术升级拓展新客户?
    Panel Discussion: How to Engage New Clients
    with Marketing Technology Upgrade?
♦   企业的数字营销与全渠道创新
    Digital Marketing and Omni-channel Innovation
    for Enterprise
♦  数字世界如何打造最佳用户体验
    Winning Consumer Experience in Digital World
♦  营销云助力企业盈利提升
    Marketing Cloud Drives the Revenue Growth .     
♦  利用数据挖掘创造营销资源池
    Create the Marketing Pool by Data Mining
♦  企业新媒体的内容与传播策略
    The Content and Broadcast Strategy of New
    Media for Enterprises
♦  如何建立一个数据驱动的营销团队?
    How to Lead a Data-driven Marketing Team?
♦  人工智能与区块链技术实现深度营销
    Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology
    for Deep Marketing
♦  短视频营销:如何连接新一代?
    Short Video Marketing:How to Connect the
    New Generation?

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Bruce Zhang 张先生 | Organizing Committee of Digital Asia | SZ&W Group
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8096 | Mob: +86 18702167212 | Email: