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Open Banking——How Financial Data Sharing triggering global financial reform
open banking:如何改变零售银行战局?

Western banking business industry says that 2018 will be the year of Open Banking. Financial data shared by Open Banking is enough to trigger major changes in the financial sector.
西方金融业称,2018年将是Open Banking——开放的银行服务年。Open Banking背后的金融数据共享,足以引发金融行业的大变革。银行业者称这是银行互联网化后金融业最大的变革,《经济学人》杂志描述它为银行业的“地震”。

Early Confirmed Speaker 会议确认演讲嘉宾
Regional Head of Retail Customer Strategy and Propositions, Asia Pacific, Retail Banking and Wealth Management of HSBC Holdings PLC HGHQLareina WANG will share the topics about “Fintech Thinking Construct New Pattern of Retail Banking” with us in the China Retail Banking Innovation Summit 2018 on Sep. 19th-20th.

Financial data sharing will trigger global financial changes. Financial data sharing is faced with many challenges and difficulties because it shares the core financial data and involves the interests of all parties.

Challenge ONE: The boycott of the bank
For banks, the direct consequence of opening financial data is the loss of customers and the reduction of profits, and even the survival problems.
挑战一:银行的抵制 对银行来说,金融数据共享等于把自己最宝贵的资产拱手相让。在金融科技公司不断蚕食银行业务的大环境下,开放金融数据的直接后果是客户的流失和利润的减少,甚至会面临生存问题。
Challenge TWO: Security and privacy protection of user data
The biggest doubt of regulators, banks and individuals is: how do financial technology companies guarantee the security of shared data and the privacy of users?
挑战二:用户数据的安全和隐私保护 银行一直是客户信赖的数据保管者,因为银行耗费巨大的财力和人力保障数据和隐私安全,同时面临诸多法律规范。在金融数据共享推进中,监管机构、银行和个人最大的疑虑是:金融科技公司如何保障共享数据的安全和用户隐私?
Challenge THREE: The maintenance of the principle of fairness
The purpose of sharing financial data is to break unfair data barriers. However, if we break the old inequity, if it is not handled properly, it may lead to new injustice.
挑战三:公平原则的维护 共享金融数据目的在于打破不公平的数据壁垒。可是在打破旧的不公平后,如果处理不当,有可能引发新的不公平。
Challenge FOUR: Selection of modes
Countries will choose different propulsion modes according to their own development. Such as the United Kingdom and the European Union, the government led the formulation of policies, banks cooperate.
挑战四:模式的选择 金融数据共享的最终目标是最大化消费者的权益。英国和欧盟,由政府主导制定政策,银行配合。而美国由银行和金融科技公司均衡博弈,以市场机制推动为主而监管为辅。
Under the situation that banks are unwilling to take the initiative to change and financial technology companies and individuals are in a weak position, regulation is undoubtedly the biggest thrust of financial data sharing development.

Through the sharing of financial data, the traditional banks and financial technology companies are promoted to cooperate and compete more deeply.
For China's financial technology tycoons, this is both an opportunity and a challenge.

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Best Regards, 顺颂安祺!

Bonnie Koo 谷小姐 | Organizing Committee of RBI China 2018 | SZ&W Group
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8045 | Mob : +86 183 0193 0369 |