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Where is the way of future retail banking under the impact of TechFin?

The Dilemma of Traditional Retail Banks

Traditional retail banks have always been regarded as the most valuable areas of banks. But today, there are three heavy mountains.
the invasion of Internet finance
the sharp rise in the cost of outlets and personnel
thethe sharp reduction of the interest rate margin of the main bank
In a sense, the 1.0 era of retail banking has come to an end. So where is the outlet for traditional retail banks?

Early Confirmed Speaker 会议确认演讲嘉宾
Lu Xiaoqun, master of law, senior economist. He is currently the president of retail section of HENGFENG BANK. He has long been committed to the innovation and integration of technology and finance, and provided customers with comprehensive financial solutions based on the value chain. Relying on the cloud platform, big data, building data-driven, scenario-based financial services, embracing the platform of economic development, In 2010 he debuted the "platform finance" business model.

The Road of Future Banks

In the era of mobile Internet, the traditional retail banking industry is also actively addressing the enormous challenges brought by technological innovation.

If the current retail banking direct banking is the initial and expansion period of the industry, the platform finance created by the Internet bank is the mature and stable period of the industry.

With the help of big data analysis, in recent years, HENGFENG BANK has actively promoted the transformation and development of retail business.

The development of the future bank is on the basis of the innovation of the traditional bank's direct selling and banking transformation. It will move towards the platform, and build a third party platform with third party finance as the core ecology, and then make the finance a basic medium tool for the future network space.

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IIC Series Event同期系列会议
  China Retail Banking Innovation Summit 2018 (Click here for Consultation)


Best Regards, 顺颂安祺!

Bonnie Koo 谷小姐 | Organizing Committee of RBI China 2018 | SZ&W Group
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8045 | Mob : +86 183 0193 0369 |