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Retail Banks How to Defuse the Crisis under the Impact of Internet Finance

The financial industry, with the data as the core, is accelerating to accept and turn to a big data thinking with the typical characteristics of the full data model, the quantitative thinking and the relevant thinking.

(The following segment is taken from RBI China 2018 Speaker Sheldon Wang's previous interview)
Banks face three crises with the big data and rapid development of the third party payment:

The first crisisthe account crisis. More than 1/3 users are reducing the frequency of contact with banks. Banks are discarded in the future or by customers.

The second crisisthe crunch of customer relations. Before the bank and customer contact is connected from the account, but now Alipay, WeChat has been disconnected. In addition to this foreign bank, the competitiveness of the bank is also declining.

Third crisesthe data crisis. Bank data governance will serve as a checkpoint for banks in the future. The regulation only sees the quality of data, and does not see the incompleteness of the data.
Sheldon Wang expressed his view on how the retail banking industry should deal with the above problems:

Banks have to bind retailers. Because there are common interests, it is necessary to rebuild relations with customers, whether they are C client or B client.

Banks need to pay for high-frequency accounts, get customers and get data.

Sheldon Wang believes that when the banks achieve the above two points, it will help to face the crisis directly. 当银行做到以上两点时,将有助于直面应对危机

Early Confirmed Speaker 会议确认演讲嘉宾
Sheldon has over 15 years working experience in Information Technology and Financial Services industry. The most current employment is with Bao Shang Bank as General Manager of Omni-Channel Management Department managing online and offline channels where he developed the mobile strategy, customer experience improvement strategy and branch management strategy, community bank strategy for the bank.
王双洋,包商银行渠道管理部总经理。拥有超过15年的信息技术和金融服务领域的工作经验 (瑞银、巴克莱、华安基金管理公司、宝商银行)。他熟悉网上银行系统、信用卡管理系统、财富管理系统和电子商务。目前作为包商银行全渠道管理部门总经理, 负责管理在线和离线渠道, 他制定了移动战略、客户体验改进战略和分支管理战略,银行的社区银行策略。他与不同的互联网公司建立了伙伴关系, 以加强银行的电子渠道能力。 具有很强的市场意识、良好的沟通能力、领导能力和执行力, 以及创新和网络思维。

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China Retail Banking Innovation Summit 2018”, jointly organized by SZ&W Group and related industry authorities will be held in Shanghai on September 19 and 20, 2018. This event will focus on the latest development of global retail banking market dynamics, policy trend, product innovation, marketing innovation, and risk control innovation, sharing the cutting edge business model and technology applications, exploring business opportunities in Retail banking industry.

Best Regards, 顺颂安祺!

Bonnie Koo 谷小姐 | Organizing Committee of RBI China 2018 | SZ&W Group
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8045 | Mob : +86 183 0193 0369 |