On January 31, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a message to publicly solicit opinions on the revision and integration of the Measures for the Administration of Domestic Securities Investment of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors, Measures for Pilot Domestic Securities Investment Made by RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors. UBS Group commented that the introduction of the “Measures for the Administration of Domestic Securities Futures Investment by Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors and RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (Draft for Comment)” (hereinafter referred to as “Management Measures”) will greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of overseas institutions to invest in the Chinese market, and further promote the prosperity and stability of the A-share market.

UBS has always played an important role in the opening and globalization of China capital market, and it is also a bridge and link for overseas customers to enter China. UBS became the first qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) in 2003 and is still one of the largest QFIIs.

2019中国财富管理创新国际峰会将于5月23-24日在北京召开。组委会很荣幸的邀请到了瑞银财富管理投资总监办公室亚太资产配置主管苏安纯(Adrian Zuercher)先生出席此次峰会。苏安纯先生目前在瑞银财富管理投资总监办公室担任董事总经理与亚太区资产配置主管,负责为亚洲顾问业务和全权委托业务提供资产配置策略,负责主持亚洲投资委员会,同时也是新兴市场投资委员会的成员,该部门制定瑞银在全球和各地区的机构观点。 加入瑞银之前,苏安纯先生曾在香港任职于瑞信资产管理部门,担任新兴市场策略主管以及全球资产配置投资策略师,负责多元资产投资组合并为主权财富基金提供资产配置建议。
China Wealth Management Innovation Summit 2019 will be held in Beijing on May 23-24. The organizing committee was honored to invite Mr. Zuercher Adrian, Head Asset Allocation APAC, UBS Global Wealth Management Chief Investment Office, to attend the summit. Adrian Zuercher is responsible for the asset allocation strategy for both advisory and discretionary mandates in APAC. He chairs the Asia and China Investment Committee and serves as a member of the Emerging Market Investment Committee which formulate the regional and global UBS House View. Before joining UBS, Adrian was head of emerging market investments and a global asset allocation strategist at Credit Suisse Asset Management in Hong Kong and Zurich. In this role, he was responsible for multi-asset class portfolios and investment funds.

Confirmed Speakers(Part):

♦ 韩淑华,秘书长,北京财富管理行业协会
Shuhua HAN, Secretary General, Beijing Wealth Management Industry Association
♦ 曾丽春,合伙人,贝恩咨询
Jennifer Zeng, Partner, Bain & Company
♦ 黄凡,私人银行部执行总监,大华银行
Fan Huang, Executive Director of Private Banking, UOB China
♦ 王昕杰,财富管理投资策略总监,渣打银行
Ethan Wang, Director of Wealth Management Investment Strategy, Standard Chartered Bank
♦ 樊桦,财富管理中心执行总经理,建信信托
Hua Fan, Executive Manager of Wealth Management Center, CCB Trust
♦ 高皓,全球家族企业研究中心主任,五道口金融学院
Hao Gao, Director of the Global Family Business Research Center, PBC School of Finance
♦ 罗云峰,研发中心联席首席宏观分析师,招商证券
Yunfeng Luo, Co-Chief Macro Analyst of R&D Center, China Merchants Securities

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重点话题 Key Topics

Interpretation of the trends and elements of private wealth growth in major fortune areas

Building an independent business model of investment and financing integration and change management mode from passive management to active management

How small and medium-sized banks carry out private banking business to create differentiated competitive advantage

Image of internet banking guest group and long tail user service based on big data

The reform of wealth management business and the development strategy of high net-worth customers in the era of large-fund regulation

Strengthen internal business collaboration and grasp the whole life cycle of customers

Global asset allocation and tax planning in the context of CRS

Cross-longitudinal analysis of family asset allocation and realization path of identity planning

Global and China alternative investment trends

How to create the "new mode of Chinese characteristics" of international insurance and high-end medical service docking

How the management department protects investors ' interests when the just-needed payment was broken

Logic about digital assets and their commercial applications

Technology driven to reshape wealth management value chain

Build an open platform in the field of wealth to achieve a common win and symbiosis of partners

Create a human-machine intelligent investment to provide 24/7 customer service

Focus on core capacity building and promote the overseas layout of private business

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Bruce Zhang 张先生 | Organizing Committee of WMI 2019 | SZ&W Group
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FFI近期会议 FFI Upcoming Event
2019中国特殊资产管理创新国际峰会  64-5 | 中国·上海
China Special Asset Management Innovation Summit 2019  Jun. 4th -5th | Shanghai,China