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 3rd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020, will be held on January 8-9th, in Shanghai, China. Welcome to join us!

On April 22, Huang Hong, Vice Chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, said: "The epidemic has promoted the insurance industry to accelerate management innovation and technological innovation, transform its business model, improve management efficiency, and enhance the level of technology and online. It satisfactorily meets the needs of insurance protection for economic and social development. "It is not difficult to see that with the outbreak of the epidemic, it has further promoted the application of technology in the insurance field. With the support of technology, insurance companies have accelerated the digitalization process from product development, marketing channels, process management and customer operations.
4月22日中国银保监会副主席黄洪表示“疫情推动了保险行业加快管理创新和科技创新,转变经营模式,提升管理效率,提升科技化和线上化水平,行业竞争能力将继续提升,更好地满足经济社会发展的保险保障需求。” 不难看出,随着疫情暴发,反而进一步推动了科技在保险领域的应用落地。在科技的加持下,保险公司加速了从产品研发、营销渠道、流程管理以及客户运营等各环节的数字化进程。

But on the other hand, after the outbreak, the movement of people in many parts of the country was restricted, and the risk of "double recording" in the insurance industry increased. It is a regulatory trend to implement full-service dual recording nationwide in the future. But "Double Recording" itself is a technical issue. The emergence of the epidemic has made everyone discover again that the technological level of insurance companies has not kept up with the requirements.

3rd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020 (July 7-8, Shanghai) will invite Mr. Chang Jiang, Chief Technology Innovation Officer, China Pacific Life Insurance to bring you "Big Data, Advanced Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Keynote speech on the evolution of the insurance industry of the times. For the insurance industry, the impact of the epidemic is indeed the coexistence of opportunities and challenges, but we also believe that after the epidemic, the insurance industry will pay more attention to the development of insurance technology, and the process of industry transformation and upgrading will be further deepened. Welcome to join us!

Charles graduated from Zhu Kezhen College of Zhejiang University, majoring in computer science and technology, PMI certified PMP.
♦  From January 2015 to August 2018, he served as assistant president,
    general manager of the operation center, and executive director of Hezhong
    Financial Services in Hezhong Life Insurance Co., Ltd .;
♦  From August 2018 to October 2019, he served as Chief Operating Officer of
    Taiping Financial Services and General Manager of Taiping Insurance
    Brokerage Company;
♦  From November 2019 to present, he has served as Chief Technology
    Innovation Officer and Director of Innovation Research Institute of Pacific Life

♦ 2015年1月至2018年8月,在合众人寿保险股份有限公司总公司任助理总裁、
♦ 2018年8月至2019年10月,任太平金服首席运营官兼太平保险经纪公司总经理;
♦ 2019年11月至今,任太平洋人寿保险首席科技创新官兼创新研究院主任;

>>> Book a seat!

另,疫情期间IIC携手保险行业资深人士打造“IIC Master Class Online Series 线上培训大师班”,意在为行业同仁提供专业、深度的疫情形势下保险行业走势、技术变革及未来发展的实操技能培训,欢迎前来咨询。>>>报名咨询
♦  新冠肺炎疫情形势下保险业发展的走势分析和应对策略——中国保险学会专职副会长姚飞
♦  Digital Transformation and CX (Customer Experience) for Insurance – 2020 and Beyond——
    安联保险集团亚太地区-首席数字转型官 Mahan Patil

♦  借鉴与融合-中国商业健康险创新实战培训课程 ——中国太平洋保险集团寿险健康中心首席

IIC Conferences /IIC品牌会议
♦  4th Health Insurance Innovation Congress & Awards China 2020
2020第四届中国健康保险业创新国际峰会暨颁奖典礼 (7月23-24日,上海)
♦  2nd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation Asia Pacific 2020
♦  3rd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020

I am looking forward to meeting you in Shanghai!
Best regards,

Sliver 郭女士 | Organizing Committee of IIC
Email:   Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8096 | Fax: +86 21 5831 1668