Innovate for Breakthroughs: New Products, New Markets & New Technologies
Many new forces are inserting in the innovation of property insurance products, some will alter traditional design and use of the products, others will bring more challenges to the operation of insurance companies. The rising of Insurtech is also subverting the insurance industry. In addition, how to prevent the risk is a matter of concern on the road of innovation.
Sharing Economy共享经济
Online and mobile platforms make personal property to be commercialized, Uber and Airbnb are 2 famous examples. In these new models of production and consumption, new opportunities related to insurance cannot be ignored.
Autonomous Cars自动驾驶汽车
When autonomous cars take the place of traditional ones, the risk will be transferred from drivers' faults to manufacturing defects. Autonomous carswill also change the target customers and insurance products. New insurance may be developed to cover the risk of vehicle failure and cyber attack.
Social Networks &Big Data 社交网络和大数据
The behavior and lifestyle information shared through social medias may change the way current insurance market participants predict customer risks. Through powerful analytical tools, insurance companies may find subtle differences between insurance needs, behaviors, and risks that are not being met.
IoT 物联网
Wireless technology is embedded in objects, enabling them to connect together through cloud. With more items are connected, insurance companies will be able to make use of their data to greatly improve the accuracy of risk assessment and pricing. IoT will also form a new channel to interact with customers of auto insurance or others, so as to reduce specific risks or provide insurance services if needed.
By distributing ledger among multiple computers, blockchain provides a fast, cost-effective and reliable way to decompose insurance into more detailed units. It can also enable smart contracts. In conjunction with the IoT, blockchain system can design insurance based on parameters and automatically compensate. Blockchain can also promote automatic payment of premium, complex claim assessment and claim payment.
通过在多台计算机之间发布分布式账本,区块链提供了快速、成本效益高、可靠性强的方法,轻而易举地把保险分解成更细化的单元。它还可以启用智能合同。与物联网结合,区块链系统可以设计基于参数的家庭保险和车险,根据预设的条件自动赔付。区块链也可以促进保费自动支付、复杂索赔评估和索赔支付。 提供保险服务。
The path of property insurance products innovation is a long and difficult progress. It is also the desire of every insurer to prevent the risk effectively. We welcome all of you to the scene of our conference to discuss Property Insurance Products Innovation & Risk Prevention together.

3rd Insurance Innovation Congress China & Awards 2018 (April 9 -10th | Shanghai)
Topic – Property Insurance Products Innovation & Risk Prevention
Yusheng Zhang, Vice President, Tianan Property Insurance Co., Ltd.
张宇生, 副总裁, 天安财产保险股份有限公司
Consult Now!现在咨询!
Last Days for Awards Application! 颁奖典礼报名即将截止!
Awards Setting 奖项设置
♦The Most Influential Insurance Brand
♦The Best Insurance Innovator Award
♦The Best New Insurance Prominent Award
♦The Insurance Breakthrough Award
♦The Outstanding Insurance Contributor   Award
♦The Excellent Insurance Service Provider   Award
♦The Excellent Insurance Intermediary   Award
♦The Excellent Insurance Technology   Provider Award

  Best Regards
   Shally Zhou | Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8044 | Mob(Wechat): +86 13524695150
   IIC Series:

  3rd Insurance Innovation Congress China & Awards 2018 (April 9 -10th | Shanghai)
  2nd Health Insurance Innovation Congress China 2018 (June 28-29th | Shanghai)
  3rd Auto Insurance Innovation Congress China 2018 (Oct | Shanghai)
  Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia 2018 (Nov28-29th | Singapore)