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The application of cloud computing, big data and AI makes insurance product customization and dynamic pricing to be a mainstream and technology is the main impetus of insurance industry transformation. How to deepen technology innovation and provide better service for customers? Some advance insurance companies are trying to implement customers-centric strategy and create “insurance + service + technology” mode to delivery smart insurance value proposition.

Customers as the Center- Digital and Seamless Experience in Insurance session will be discussed at the 3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019 (September 24-25, Beijing, China). China and global insurance industry distinguished representatives will be invited to explore how to move to customer centricity in insurance, digitalization in the customers’ entire insurance journey and innovation in insurance policy management.
>>> Register your interest now 预定席位

「大数据与人工智能重塑保险价值链」落地班将于8月16-17日在中国北京开班,小班授课,席位有限。欢迎预定席位,学习大数据与人工智能落地方案。 (6月30日前报名,可享1000元立减早鸟特惠。)
IIC Upcoming Events IIC近期会议
Iusurtech 保险科技
♦  Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation Asia Pacific 2019, June 26-27th, HK 2019
    亚太保险大数据分析与人工智能创新国际峰会,6月26-27日 | 香港
♦  3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019, Sept. 24-25th|Beijing, China
♦  2nd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020, Jan. 8-9 | Shanghai, China
   「大数据与人工智能重塑保险价值链」落地班, 8月16-17日,中国北京
Health Insurance 健康险
♦  2nd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2019, Sept. 18-19th| HK
    2019 第二届亚太健康保险业创新国际峰会,9月18-19 | 香港
♦  World Health Insurance Innovation Congress 2020, Jan. 15-16| London, UK

Best Regards,

Rala | Organizing Committee of IIC Series |
Official LinkedIn: InsurInnovator Connect | WeChat Official Account: Insurtech 
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