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Technologies bring new development opportunities to traditional insurance industry. Now, many insurance companies increase research input of AI technology and they have made plenteous achievements. Now, AI technologies have already be applied to the whole insurance industry chain such as product design, sales & marketing, underwriting, claim settlement, customer service and risk management.

3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019 (September 24-25, Beijing, China) focuses comprehensive application of insurtech and global forerunners will be invited to share insurtech application cases. Welcome to join us to explore insurtech innovation border together!
>>> Register your interest now 预定席位

Product design segment产品设计环节:
Insurance Product & Pricing Innovation with InsurTech  保险科技助力保险产品与定价创新
♦   Reimaging Insurance Products with Technologies
♦   Health Insurance Products Innovation with Big Data and AI
♦   Practice Sharing of Blockchain-Based Insurance Product Innovation
♦   Data- and Cloud-Driven Dynamic Pricing in Insurance

Sales segment销售环节:
InsurTech Enables Insurance Distribution 保险科技赋能保险营销
♦   KYC and Precision Marketing in Insurance: to Explore the Values of Data and Analytics
♦   Insurance Distribution Evolution with Technologies: Digital Channels & New Retails

Underwrite, claim & risk management segment承保、理赔、风控环节:
Changing Insurance Operations with Technologies- Press the Reset Button 科技改变保险运营流程-重启时刻
♦   Technologies Support Business Process Reengineering in Insurance
♦   Intelligent Underwriting System
♦   Intelligent Claims System
♦   Blockchain in Risk Management and Compliance in Insurance
♦   Embracing Wearables: the Shift towards Dynamic Underwriting

Customer service segment客服环节:
Customers as the Center- Digital and Seamless Experience in Insurance
♦   Digitalization in the Customers’ Entire Insurance Journey
♦   Innovation in Insurance Policy Management

>>> Register your interest now 预定席位

「大数据与人工智能重塑保险价值链」落地班将于8月16-17日在中国北京开班,小班授课,席位有限。欢迎预定席位,学习大数据与人工智能落地方案。 (6月30日前报名,可享1000元立减早鸟特惠。)

IIC Upcoming Events IIC近期会议
Iusurtech 保险科技
♦  3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019, Sept. 24-25th|Beijing, China
♦  2nd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020, Jan. 8-9 | Shanghai, China
   「大数据与人工智能重塑保险价值链」落地班, 8月16-17日,中国北京
Health Insurance 健康险
♦  2nd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2019, Sept. 18-19th| HK
    2019 第二届亚太健康保险业创新国际峰会,9月18-19 | 香港
♦  World Health Insurance Innovation Congress 2020, Jan. 15-16| London, UK

Best Regards,

Rala | Organizing Committee of IIC Series |
Official LinkedIn: InsurInnovator Connect| WeChat Official Account: Insurtech 
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8099 | Mob: +86 13262222731 | Email: