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Data displays that China automotive aftermarket size will exceed 3 trillion in 2020 and half of this field will directly relate to insurance companies. AI application can achieve omni-visual management and build integrated aftermarket ecosphere by intelligent scheduling, operation and inspection, redefine insurance product and assist insurance industry go into “after service” era.

Taking Ping An Auto Insurance for example, man-machine interaction is dealing with cases 24 hours and 30% of these cases use AI image recognition technology to finish atomic assessment whose accuracy reaches over 95%. And AI face recognition supports online compensation at speed.

The difficult problems as cost, service, anti-fraud and extend prospect are gradually solved by new technologies. 3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019 (September 24-25, Beijing, China) invites Mr. Zheng Xuejun, the Director of Driver Service Innovation, Auto and Accident Claims Dept. from Ping An Property Insurance to share AI technology application cases.

We need the sense of urgency at the application of insurtech to build China as an insurance world power. 3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019 (September 24-25, Beijing, China) will invite global experts to discuss more insurtech applications.

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IIC Upcoming Events IIC近期会议
Iusurtech 保险科技
♦  3rd InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2019, Sept. 24-25th|Beijing, China
♦  2nd Insurance Analytics & AI Innovation China 2020, Jan. 8-9 | Shanghai, China
Health Insurance 健康险
♦  2nd Health Insurance Innovation Congress Asia Pacific 2019, Sept. 18-19th| HK
    2019 第二届亚太健康保险业创新国际峰会,9月18-19 | 香港
♦  World Health Insurance Innovation Congress 2020, Jan. 15-16| London, UK

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