
Since June, 2015, there are 18 provinces have started the reform and it has achieved significant achievement. But, some new questions were exposed. Chinese top 3 Property Insurance Companies won much market share after the motor insurance reform. During the first quarter of this year, the market share of top 3 Property Insurance Companies increase 0.5%, which means small and medium size companies are facing more pressure.

What’s the best way for giant companies as well as SMEs to adapt the motor insurance reform?

Chinese Property Insurance Companies China Pacific Property Insurance Company, PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited, China Life Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Huatai Property & Casualty Insurance Company will present at Motor Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016 (IIC-Motor 2016) to share their experience on innovation road.
Have a look at program 点击查看会议议程

Speaker Information演讲嘉宾信息

 ♦ Yafeng Sheng, Deputy General Manager & General Manager of Motor Insurance, China
    Pacific Property Insurance Company

 ♦ Haibo Zhang, Deputy General Manager of Motor Insurance, PICC Property and Casualty
    Company Limited

 ♦ Hongwei Yang, Deputy General Manager of Motor Insurance, China Life Property &
    Casualty Insurance Company

    杨宏伟, 车辆保险部副总经理,中国人寿财产保险股份有限公司
 ♦ Yinghui Liao, Deputy General Manager & Chief Technology Officer, Huatai Property &
    Casualty Insurance Company


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Best Regards,

Rala Wen  | Organizing Committee of MIIC 2016 | SZ&W Group
Motor Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016/2016中国汽车保险业创新国际峰会, 9月13-14号, 中国上海
Health & Pension Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016/2016中国健康&养老保险业创新国际峰会, 10月25-26号, 中国上海
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8039 | Mob: 13262222731 | Email: ralaw@szwgroup.com