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Recently, China’s Xinjiang released its 13th Five Years Energy Plan, indicating to simulate the development of its shale gas & Coalbed Methane.


Xinjiang holds China’s largest oil, gas and coal reserves. The shale gas reserve in Turpan-Hami Basin is estimated to 100 billion cubic while the CBM pilot projects will focus on Fukang, Baicheng.

With Chinese National Western Development Policy, Xinjiang shows rapid development of its unconventional is likely to be a testing ground for cooperation between China and USA on shale gas exploration, Member of CADCA revealed its development and potential to us. Register and download PPT.


Under Xinjiang’s 13th Five Years Plan, will the region achieve its shale gas and CBM developing plan? How will the testing ground of China-USA shale gas cooperation head for? 7th Unconventional Gas Convention China 2016 (UGAS China 2016 l Oct. 25-26, Beijing) will give you the answer. Register now.