致国内外云计算技术及服务方案创新品牌 / Dear Cloud Computing Pioneers:

为了确保本届论坛的百业数字化创新领导者(如CIO/CDO/Head of IT Management等)与会嘉宾能够体验到全球领先的云计算技术及服务方案,或前沿技术观点,组委会特向来自云计算等新一代数字技术领域的创新型技术方案品牌推出如下先锋计划,欢迎来自IaaS、PaaS、SaaS、云安全、云数据中心、云存储、云开发运维、云转型服务等信息技术领域的创新品牌代表申请。 / With great pleasure to open the application of the following CLOUTURE BRANDS PLAN to the worldwide leading brands of cloud computing solutions and technologies. Brands from IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, cloud security, data center, storage, DevOps, cloud migration solutions are warmly welcomed.

[云驭未来先锋品牌]计划 | [CLOUTURE BRANDS] PLAN

专属权益 / Featured Benefits
♦ 在论坛官网首页展示专属Banner / Banner exposure at the event homepage;
♦ 在论坛的电子版议程中特别显示品牌LOGO / Logo exposure at the e-agenda;
♦ 在论坛的纸质版会刊中列席“云驭未来先锋品牌”专页 / Be listed as CLOUTURE BRANDS in the final
   event brochure;
♦ 在论坛的官网及会后报告中展示100字左右的“CLOUTURE BRANDS PROSPECT
   云驭未来先锋品牌展望”/ Share around 100 words of CLOUTURE BRANDS PROSPECT on the event
   website and in the post-report document.

特别说明 / NOTICE
♦ 本届论坛的[云驭未来先锋品牌计划]仅限12席 / 12 Seats only;
♦ 仅限已经预定主旨演讲席位、或圆桌对话席位、或展台展示席位的先锋品牌申请
   Application access only open for brands who have booked the speech seat, or the
   panel-dialogue guest seat, or the booth.

预留演讲席位/对话席位/展台,咨询论坛详情、索取其他品牌赞助方案议程等请垂询组委会品牌服务部Bella: +86 132 6252 6385 / hibella@szwgroup.com 
For more details about the CDLI Forum, please contact Bella, head of brands engagement: +86 132 6252 6385 / hibella@szwgroup.com