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As one of the biggest chain retailers, Walmart believes that retail industry has been changing by the development of technology all the time. Now, Walmart is the leading company in the innovation of new retail era.

“现在零售完全受技术所驱动,都是在于了解客户的需求和他们的期望。” 沃尔玛电子商务部副总裁Jordan Berke曾分享到。

“Nowadays, IT is the key driver of new retail’s development, and most of the IT has been applied to understand customers’ need better.” E-Commerce VP of Walmart, Mr. Jordan Berke said.

很荣幸,2018新零售与营销技术周能邀请到Jordan Berke先生出席此次峰会演讲,演讲内容将会围绕着“沃尔玛科技点亮智慧生活”展开。

We are very honor to announce that we has invited Mr. Jordan Berke as our speakers of New Retail and MarTech Week 2018. Also, the speaking topic will about “Walmart Technology Illuminates Smart Life”.

About New Retail & MarTech Week 2018


New Retail & MarTech Week 2018 which be consist of two summits(2nd China New Retail and Technology Innovation Summit 2018 & China MarTech and Digital Innovation Summit 2018)will be hold at the same location and same time in Shanghai (Oct. 24th-25th). As the benefits, you can enjoy two summits with one ticket.

Kira Zhang张小姐 |Organizing Committee of Digital Asia
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710-8096
Mob: +86 15995560565