In one of the largest seed investments in the firm’s history, Sequoia Capital is committing to a $13 million round for Lemonade  , a company that’s looking to bring the idea of peer-to-peer personal insurance to the America. What’s P2P Insurance and why Sequoia Capital has such an optimistic prospect on P2P Insurance?
近期,红杉资本给致力于P2P保险 Lemonade 公司提供了1300万美元种子轮投资。到底什么是P2P保险?为何红杉资本对P2P保险如此青睐?

Today, the insurance business tends to have high overhead costs, and too much of the premiums consumers pay aren’t purely going into covering losses, which is go against with the sustainable development

As a result, P2P Insurance emerges at the right moment. As an innovation insurance mode, P2P insurance is to make insurance cheaper and redeemable.


For comprehensive understanding of P2P Insurance, Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016invited Founder of Tong Ju Bao and CEO of P2P Protect (HongKong) Co., Ltd., Mr. Tang Loaec to speech on P2P Insurance Development in China and around the World. With original understanding and fund of knowledge, Mr. Tang Loaec will share Introduction of P2P Insurance, development model, advantages and current status and prospects of P2P insurance in China’s market as well as global overview. 
为了您更全面地了解这一新兴模式,2016中国保险业创新国际峰会邀请到中国香港人人保护有限公司总裁及同聚保创始人Tang Loaec先生与会发表演讲。作为国内代表性P2P保险人,Tang Loaec先生对于P2P保险有着独到的见解及丰富的知识,他将在会上详细介绍P2P保险的概念,优势, 成熟的商业模式和中国乃至全球P2P保险的现状及前景。

P2P Insurance companies are attempting to make the sleepy insurance industry more active, because. Interested in new business mode? Come to seize P2P Insurance! Book your seats 


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扫码关注Coffee Insurance公众号,发送代码Insurtech16立减200美金!

Any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Rala | Organizing Committee of Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016 | SZ&W Group
Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016, Shanghai, China, April 11-13, 2016
Vehicle Insurance Innovation Congress China 2016 /  2016中国汽车保险创新国际峰会, 9月22-23号, 中国北京 
Internet Insurance Innovation Congress China /  2016中国互联网保险创新峰会, 9月22-23号, 中国北京 
Insurance Innovation Congress Asia 2016 /  亚洲保险创新国际峰会, 新加坡, 10月29-30号
Tel: 86 21 5830 0710-8039 | Fax: 86 21 5831 1668 | Mob: 132 62222731
Address: Suite K-L, 14F, First Trade Tower, 985 Dong Fang Road, Shanghai 200122, PRC.
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