

Why You Cannot Miss?

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  • Learning about innovations on technology from experts and researchers, resulting in a bright future for CSP cost reduction
  • Gaining the freshest experience and projects updates from international developers in the hottest emerging markets
  • Increasing CSP efficiency by O&M optimization in order to reduce the OPEX
  • Breaking down financing barriers by hearing from investors
  • Excavating potential business opportunities in global CSP booming time
  • Joining in 200 CSP players from whole industry chain organizations and companies, enjoying high level face-to-face networking
  • Discovering deeper international collaboration opportunities


CSP Focus Series Speakers Come From


Meet the People that Matter to Your Business

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In the event brochure you will find what are happening in global CSP market, the details of the conference schedule, what will be talked about during the conference, what CSP Focus did in the past, who joined or will join the 2016 gathering, and how to register...

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