Nuclear News Center
Eminent Nuclear Speakers

Dr. Stamatios Tsalas

Director General

Euratom Supply Agency, EuropeanCommission, EU

Denis Flory

Deputy Director General; Head, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security


David Powell

Vice President European Sales


Nuclear Event Calendar
Supporters & Partners
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"Speakers were very good and met with my expectation well."
---David Powell, Vice President for European Sales, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
"I have networked with the right audience at this event."
---Przemyslaw Zydak, Project Subcontractor Polish NPP Site Characterization Worley Parsons
"Our one on one meetings were arranged very well and we achieved several main goals in the event! Hope we could come next year!"
---Lu Mingbo, Director, International Business Development, CGN

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Atomtoday is a nuclear industry brand of SZ&W Group. Atomtoday is the NO.1 market research and business social networking provider for the global nuclear community. Our deep industry knowledge coupled with close partnerships with leading nuclear industry bodies enables us to create original content and attract top industry leaders. Every year, we present more than 20 events, including conference, training, site visit, awards, webinar, and 10 industry reports and market survey. Our series publication and digital products coupled with our unique events will provide innovative marketing solutions for clients wishing to reach a targeted audience. Atomtoday also conducts customized research and advisory projects that can be tailored to the individual needs of your organization.