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Automotive Lightweight
Automotive Lightweight
Concept 概念

Automotive lightweight refers to the use of modern design methods and effective means to optimize the design of automotive products, or the use of new materials to ensure that the overall performance of the car under the premise of the vehicle as much as possible to reduce their own weight, to achieve weight loss, energy conservation, safety comprehensive indicators.

Backgrounds 背景

China's vehicle industry development is confronted with enormous pressures from energy and environmental protection issues. According to Chinese Government, it is stipulated that by 2020, the average fuel consumption of passenger cars will be reduced to 5 liters / km. In order to reduce emission and energy consumption, satisfy ever-growing consumer demand for vehicles, vehicle lightweight is a future trend and essential for environment protection.

Global Automotive Lightweight Forum aims to be China’s most practical lightweight vehicle congress, This Summit will provide stakeholder a platform for exchange and cooperation, bringing together top international and domestic OEMs and suppliers to tackle key questions of structure design ,processing, material selection to help OEMs create the next generation of light vehicles to jointly promote energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development of vehicle industry.



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